Source code for pahelix.datasets.clintox_dataset

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Processing of clintox dataset

The ClinTox dataset compares drugs approved by the FDA and drugs that have failed clinical trials for toxicity reasons. The dataset includes two classification tasks for 1491 drug compounds with known chemical structures: (1) clinical trial toxicity (or absence of toxicity) and (2) FDA approval status. List of FDA-approved drugs are compiled from the SWEETLEAD database, and list of drugs that failed clinical trials for toxicity reasons are compiled from the Aggregate Analysis of database.

You can download the dataset from and load it into pahelix reader creators


import os
from os.path import join, exists
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from pahelix.datasets.inmemory_dataset import InMemoryDataset

__all__ = ['get_default_clintox_task_names', 'load_clintox_dataset']

[docs]def get_default_clintox_task_names(): """Get that default clintox task names and return class""" return ['FDA_APPROVED', 'CT_TOX']
[docs]def load_clintox_dataset(data_path, task_names=None): """Load Clintox dataset ,process the classification labels and the input information. Description: The data file contains a csv table, in which columns below are used: smiles: SMILES representation of the molecular structure FDA_APPROVED: FDA approval status CT_TOX: Clinical trial results Args: data_path(str): the path to the cached npz path. task_names(list): a list of header names to specify the columns to fetch from the csv file. Returns: an InMemoryDataset instance. Example: .. code-block:: python dataset = load_clintox_dataset('./clintox') print(len(dataset)) References: [1] Gayvert, Kaitlyn M., Neel S. Madhukar, and Olivier Elemento. “A data-driven approach to predicting successes and failures of clinical trials.” Cell chemical biology 23.10 (2016): 1294-1301. [2] Artemov, Artem V., et al. “Integrated deep learned transcriptomic and structure-based predictor of clinical trials outcomes.” bioRxiv (2016): 095653. [3] Novick, Paul A., et al. “SWEETLEAD: an in silico database of approved drugs, regulated chemicals, and herbal isolates for computer-aided drug discovery.” PloS one 8.11 (2013): e79568. [4] Aggregate Analysis of (AACT) Database. """ if task_names is None: task_names = get_default_clintox_task_names() raw_path = join(data_path, 'raw') csv_file = os.listdir(raw_path)[0] input_df = pd.read_csv(join(raw_path, csv_file), sep=',') smiles_list = input_df['smiles'] from rdkit.Chem import AllChem rdkit_mol_objs_list = [AllChem.MolFromSmiles(s) for s in smiles_list] preprocessed_rdkit_mol_objs_list = [m if not m is None else None for m in rdkit_mol_objs_list] smiles_list = [AllChem.MolToSmiles(m) if not m is None else None for m in preprocessed_rdkit_mol_objs_list] labels = input_df[task_names] # convert 0 to -1 labels = labels.replace(0, -1) # there are no nans data_list = [] for i in range(len(smiles_list)): if smiles_list[i] is None: continue data = {} data['smiles'] = smiles_list[i] data['label'] = labels.values[i] data_list.append(data) dataset = InMemoryDataset(data_list) return dataset