Source code for pahelix.datasets.toxcast_dataset

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Processing of toxcast dataset.

ToxCast is an extended data collection from the same initiative as Tox21, providing toxicology data for a large library of compounds based on in vitro high-throughput screening. The processed collection includes qualitative results of over 600 experiments on 8k compounds.

You can download the dataset from and load it into pahelix reader creators.


import os
from os.path import join, exists
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from pahelix.datasets.inmemory_dataset import InMemoryDataset

__all__ = ['get_default_toxcast_task_names', 'load_toxcast_dataset']

[docs]def get_default_toxcast_task_names(data_path): """Get that default toxcast task names and return the list of the input information""" raw_path = join(data_path, 'raw') csv_file = os.listdir(raw_path)[0] input_df = pd.read_csv(join(raw_path, csv_file), sep=',') return list(input_df.columns)[1:]
[docs]def load_toxcast_dataset(data_path, task_names=None): """Load toxcast dataset,process the input information. Description: The data file contains a csv table, in which columns below are used: smiles: SMILES representation of the molecular structure. ACEA_T47D_80hr_Negative: “Tanguay_ZF_120hpf_YSE_up” - Bioassays results SR-XXX: Stress response bioassays results Args: data_path(str): the path to the cached npz path. task_names(list): a list of header names to specify the columns to fetch from the csv file. Returns: an InMemoryDataset instance. Example: .. code-block:: python dataset = load_toxcast_dataset('./toxcast') print(len(dataset)) References: [1]Richard, Ann M., et al. “ToxCast chemical landscape: paving the road to 21st century toxicology.” Chemical research in toxicology 29.8 (2016): 1225-1251. [2]please refer to the section “high-throughput assay information” at for details. """ if task_names is None: task_names = get_default_toxcast_task_names(data_path) raw_path = join(data_path, 'raw') csv_file = os.listdir(raw_path)[0] input_df = pd.read_csv(join(raw_path, csv_file), sep=',') smiles_list = input_df['smiles'] from rdkit.Chem import AllChem rdkit_mol_objs_list = [AllChem.MolFromSmiles(s) for s in smiles_list] # Some smiles could not be successfully converted # to rdkit mol object so them to None preprocessed_rdkit_mol_objs_list = [m if not m is None else None for m in rdkit_mol_objs_list] smiles_list = [AllChem.MolToSmiles(m) if not m is None else None for m in preprocessed_rdkit_mol_objs_list] labels = input_df[task_names] labels = labels.replace(0, -1) # convert 0 to -1 labels = labels.fillna(0) # convert nan to 0 data_list = [] for i in range(len(smiles_list)): if smiles_list[i] is None: continue data = {} data['smiles'] = smiles_list[i] data['label'] = labels.values[i] data_list.append(data) dataset = InMemoryDataset(data_list) return dataset