Source code for pahelix.featurizers.het_gnn_featurizer

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| Featurizers for DDI Heterogenous graph.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
import pgl

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

__all__ = ['DDiFeaturizer']

[docs]class DDiFeaturizer(object): """Featurizer for drugs""" def __init__(self): super(DDiFeaturizer, self).__init__()
[docs] def collate_fn(self, ddi_data, dti_data, ppi_data, features): """Aggregate all needed nodes into a Hetrogenous graph""" drug_feat = pd.read_csv(features, index_col=0) drug_feat = drug_feat[~drug_feat.index.duplicated()] drug_feat = drug_feat.fillna(0) drug_feat.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 0, inplace=True) nm = StandardScaler() scaled_feat = pd.DataFrame(nm.fit_transform(drug_feat)) scaled_feat = scaled_feat.fillna(0) scaled_feat.index = drug_feat.index edges = {'dds': [], 'dti': [], 'ppi': []} ddi_nn, ddi_nodes = num_nodes_stat(ddi_data) selected_drugs_feat = scaled_feat[scaled_feat.index.isin(ddi_nodes)] ddi_nodes = set(selected_drugs_feat.index) total_nodes = set() label = {} for d in ddi_data: if d['pair'][0] in ddi_nodes and d['pair'][1] in ddi_nodes: edges['dds'].append((d['pair'][0], d['pair'][1])) edges['dds'].append((d['pair'][1], d['pair'][0])) total_nodes.add(d['pair'][0]) total_nodes.add(d['pair'][1]) label[d['pair'][0], d['pair'][1]] = d['label'] label[d['pair'][1], d['pair'][0]] = d['label'] for d in dti_data: if d['pair'][0] in ddi_nodes: edges['dti'].append((d['pair'][0], d['pair'][1])) edges['dti'].append((d['pair'][1], d['pair'][0])) total_nodes.add(d['pair'][0]) total_nodes.add(d['pair'][1]) for d in ppi_data: edges['ppi'].append((d['pair'][0], d['pair'][1])) edges['ppi'].append((d['pair'][1], d['pair'][0])) total_nodes.add(d['pair'][0]) total_nodes.add(d['pair'][1]) num_nodes = len(total_nodes) nodes_dict = dict(zip(total_nodes, range(num_nodes))) node_feat = np.zeros((num_nodes, 2325)).astype('float32') selected_drugs_feat.index = [nodes_dict[x] for x in selected_drugs_feat.index] for d in selected_drugs_feat.index: node_feat[d, :] = selected_drugs_feat.loc[d, :].values.astype('float32') node_feats = {'features': node_feat} ek = {'dds':[], 'dti':[], 'ppi':[]} for edge_type in edges.keys(): for p in edges[edge_type]: p1, p2 = nodes_dict[p[0]], nodes_dict[p[1]] ek[edge_type].append((p1, p2)) node_types = [] for m in nodes_dict.keys(): if m.startswith('CID'): node_types.append((nodes_dict[m], 'drug')) else: node_types.append((nodes_dict[m], 'protein')) hg = pgl.HeterGraph(num_nodes=num_nodes, edges=ek, node_types=node_types, node_feat=node_feats) label_idx = {} for key in label.keys(): label_idx[(nodes_dict[key[0]], nodes_dict[key[1]])] = label[key] return {'rt': (hg, nodes_dict, label, label_idx)}
[docs]def num_nodes_stat(data): """count the number of nodes from data Examples: data: {'pair': (a, b)} """ nodes = set() for d in data: nodes.add(d['pair'][0]) nodes.add(d['pair'][1]) return len(nodes), nodes
[docs]def nx_graph_build(hg, nodes_dict, label): """ Build Heterogenous graph with node name not idx. """ nodes_dict = {v:k for k, v in nodes_dict.items()} g = nx.Graph() for i in hg['dds'].edges: edge = [(nodes_dict[i[0]], nodes_dict[i[1]]) + ({'weight': label[(nodes_dict[i[0]], nodes_dict[i[1]])]}, )] g.add_edges_from(list(edge)) for etype in ['dti', 'ppi']: for p in hg[etype].edges: edge = [(nodes_dict[i[0]], nodes_dict[i[1]])] g.add_edges_from(list(edge)) return g