Source code for pahelix.model_zoo.seq_vae_model

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This is an implementation of sequence VAE from: molecularsets/moses

import paddle
from import Dataset 
import numpy as np
import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle.fluid.dygraph as dg
import paddle.nn.functional as F
import paddle.nn as nn
from import LRScheduler
import pdb

[docs]class VAE(nn.Layer): """The sequence VAE model Args: vocab: the vocab object. model_config: the json files of model parameters. """ def __init__(self, vocab, model_config): super(VAE, self).__init__() self.config = model_config self.vocabulary = vocab # Special symbols for ss in ('bos', 'eos', 'unk', 'pad'): setattr(self, ss, getattr(vocab, ss)) # Word embeddings layer n_vocab, d_emb = len(vocab), vocab.vectors.shape[1] self.x_emb = nn.Embedding(n_vocab, d_emb, self.pad) self.x_emb.weight.set_value(paddle.to_tensor(vocab.vectors)) if self.config['freeze_embeddings']: self.x_emb.weight.stop_gradient=True # encoder self.encoder_rnn = nn.GRU( d_emb, self.config['q_d_h'], num_layers=self.config['q_n_layers'], dropout=self.config['q_dropout'] if self.config['q_n_layers'] > 1 else 0, direction= 'bidirectional' if self.config['q_bidir'] else 'forward' ) q_d_last = self.config['q_d_h'] * (2 if self.config['q_bidir'] else 1) self.q_mu = nn.Linear(q_d_last, self.config['d_z']) self.q_logvar = nn.Linear(q_d_last, self.config['d_z']) # decoder self.decoder_rnn = nn.GRU( d_emb + self.config['d_z'], self.config['d_d_h'], num_layers=self.config['d_n_layers'], dropout=self.config['d_dropout'] if self.config['d_n_layers'] > 1 else 0 ) self.decoder_lat = nn.Linear(self.config['d_z'], self.config['d_d_h']) self.decoder_fc = nn.Linear(self.config['d_d_h'], n_vocab)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Model forward """ # Encoder: x -> z, kl_loss z, kl_loss, _, = self.forward_encoder(x) # Decoder: x, z -> recon_loss recon_loss = self.forward_decoder(x, z) return kl_loss, recon_loss
[docs] def forward_encoder(self, x): """ encoder """ data = x[0] data_length = x[1] ######### embedding embedding_data = self.x_emb(data) ######### GRU encoder _, h = self.encoder_rnn(embedding_data, sequence_length=data_length) h = h[-(1 + int(self.config['q_bidir'])):] h = paddle.concat(h.split(1 + int(self.config['q_bidir'])), axis=-1).squeeze(0) mu, logvar = self.q_mu(h), self.q_logvar(h) eps = paddle.randn(shape=mu.shape) z = mu + (logvar / 2).exp() * eps kl_loss = 0.5 * (logvar.exp() + mu ** 2 - 1 - logvar).sum(1).mean() return (z, kl_loss, mu)
[docs] def forward_decoder(self, x, z): """ decoder """ data = x[0] data_length = x[1] embedding_data = self.x_emb(data) z_0 = paddle.expand(z.unsqueeze(1), shape=[z.unsqueeze(1).shape[0], \ embedding_data.shape[1], z.unsqueeze(1).shape[2]]) x_input = paddle.concat([embedding_data, z_0], axis=-1) h_0 = self.decoder_lat(z) h_0 = paddle.expand(h_0.unsqueeze(0), \ shape=[self.decoder_rnn.num_layers, h_0.unsqueeze(0).shape[1], h_0.unsqueeze(0).shape[2]]) #### output, _ = self.decoder_rnn(x_input, h_0, sequence_length=data_length) y = self.decoder_fc(output) recon_loss = F.cross_entropy(paddle.reshape(y[:, :-1], shape=[-1, y.shape[-1]]), \ paddle.reshape(data[:, 1:], shape=[-1]), \ ignore_index=self.pad ) return recon_loss
[docs] def sample_z_prior(self, n_batch): """Sampling z ~ p(z) = N(0, I) Args: n_batch: number of batches Returns: (n_batch, d_z) of floats, sample of latent z """ return paddle.randn([n_batch, self.q_mu.weight.shape[1]])
[docs] def tensor2string(self, tensor): """ convert tensor values to sequence string """ ids = tensor.numpy().tolist() string = self.vocabulary.ids2string(ids, rem_bos=True, rem_eos=True) return string
[docs] def sample(self, n_batch, max_len=100, z=None, temp=1.0): """Generating n_batch samples in eval mode (z could be not on same device) Args: n_batch: number of sentences to generate max_len: max len of samples z: (n_batch, d_z) of floats, latent vector z or None temp: temperature of softmax Returns: list of tensors of strings, samples sequence x """ if z is None: z = self.sample_z_prior(n_batch) z_0 = z.unsqueeze(1) # Initial values h = self.decoder_lat(z) h = paddle.expand(h.unsqueeze(0), \ shape=[self.decoder_rnn.num_layers, h.unsqueeze(0).shape[1], h.unsqueeze(0).shape[2]]) w = paddle.expand(paddle.to_tensor(self.bos), shape=[n_batch]) x = paddle.expand(paddle.to_tensor([self.pad]), shape=[n_batch, max_len]) x[:, 0] = self.bos end_pads = paddle.expand(paddle.to_tensor([max_len]), shape=[n_batch]) eos_mask = paddle.zeros([n_batch], dtype='bool') # Generating cycle for i in range(1, max_len): x_emb = self.x_emb(w).unsqueeze(1) x_input = paddle.concat([x_emb, z_0], axis=-1) o, h = self.decoder_rnn(x_input, h) y = self.decoder_fc(o.squeeze(1)) y = F.softmax(y / temp, axis=-1) w = paddle.multinomial(y, 1)[:, 0] #w = paddle.argmax(y, 1) # convert to numpy in order to slice the mask x = x.numpy() eos_mask = eos_mask.numpy() w = w.numpy() end_pads = end_pads.numpy() x[~eos_mask, i] = w[~eos_mask] i_eos_mask = ~ eos_mask & (w == self.eos) end_pads[i_eos_mask] = i + 1 eos_mask = eos_mask | i_eos_mask # convert back to tensor x = paddle.to_tensor(x) w = paddle.to_tensor(w) eos_mask = paddle.to_tensor(eos_mask) end_pads = paddle.to_tensor(end_pads) # Converting `x` to list of tensors new_x = [] for i in range(x.shape[0]): new_x.append(x[i, :int(end_pads[i])]) return [self.tensor2string(i_x) for i_x in new_x]